Joplin High School Physics Club

The Physics Club meets every Friday morning at 7:45 in Room B-109 

We compete in numerous academic competitions and activities.  The three national competitions that we currently compete in are listed below. 

Team America Rocket Challenge - TARC

Join Physics Club so you can learn to design, build and launch model rockets.  The club sponsors a TARC team that competes every year in the world's largest model rocketry contest.  

Meetings are currently on Monday's at 3:45 p.m.  We will hold meetings at other times as needed for the competition.  

Junior Engineering Technical Society - JETS

We compete in the JETS sponsored TEAMS (Test of Engineering Aptitude, Math and Science) and the NEDC (National Engineering Design Challenge)

Science Knowledge Bowl - SKB

We compete in the annual Science Knowledge Bowl.  Our region is held at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri.