To students and parents,


            The following is an introduction to the classroom procedures for Mr. Gurley’s Physical Science-Physics class.  These procedures have been implemented with the student in mind to help insure a good experience with a difficult subject.  Please read and refer to the accompanying lab contract and safety rules.  You must have the contract and this paper signed and returned before you may participate in an activity or laboratory.  This class will utilize such activities throughout the semester.


            -Any homework will be turned into the proper location at the beginning of the hour.  If not turned in on time, then a zero may be given for the grade regardless of the finished work.  Mr. Gurley reserves the right to accept or reject any late work.  If late work is accepted it may be awarded partial credit.  The homework must be turned in before an excused absence for full credit. ANY DAILY ASSIGNMENT WILL BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE STUDENT IS ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE SCHOOL


-It is up to the student to obtain any material that was missed due to an absence.  I am available before and after school in room B109 for this purpose.  Never interrupt a class to get your work or ask for assistance. 


-All students can participate in all activities if the contract has been returned and is followed.


-A notebook or folder will be kept by the student to store all returned papers, work, tests, labs, etc. This notebook will be brought to class daily and may be checked by the instructor for completeness.  Credit will be given for proper use of planners.  They will be checked and recorded in at least after every test.


-All classroom rules will be strictly enforced:

-       You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.

-       You will be responsible for your book, writing utensil, paper, and notebook everyday.

-       Never dispose of trash or unwanted items into the desk or cabinets

-       No writing on the desk, counter tops, or tables.

-       Acts of disrespect towards classmates or teacher will not be tolerated.

Consequences for actions include, but not limited too, loss of classroom privileges, remaining after class, contact parents, written referral and loss of credit. 


            -Grades will be given on a standard 90-80-70-60 percent distribution.  I will always reward extra effort.  However, NO individual extra credit will be given. The final test (if required to be taken) will count for 20 percent of your semester grade.  Grades will be posted with your student ID number. 


            This class is designed to give you a working knowledge of the physics of the world.  We will cover topics from kinematics, mechanics, dynamics of energy, waves and motion to electricity and light.  This class will prepare you for moving into biology, chemistry and of course physics.